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7 Tips for Healthy Eating & Mental Wellbeing at Work

By Weight Loss & Gain Management, Weightloss diet No Comments

In today’s busy work environment, finding a balance between daily tasks and taking care of ourselves can be tough. Eating well and looking after our mental health are important for keeping our energy up, staying focused, and feeling satisfied with our jobs, but these things often get ignored. By using some easy strategies for healthy eating and mental wellness, we can create a more productive and enjoyable workplace. This guide provides practical tips to help you priorities your health and well-being throughout the workday, whether you want to enhance your diet, reduce stress, or increase your energy levels.

1. Plan and prep meals-

Planning and prepping meals can be both efficient and delicious. It is essential for maintaining healthy eating habits, especially in a busy work environment. This could involve batch cooking grains, roasting vegetables, or making soups that can be easily reheated. One can also prepare traditional dishes like dal (lentils), sabzi (vegetable stir-fries),
and chapatis ahead of time. Batch cooking these staples allows for quick assembly of balanced meals throughout the week.

2. Start with a healthy breakfast-

Kickstarting your day with a nutritious breakfast is essential for providing the energy and nutrients necessary to enhance productivity. Options like idli with sambar, poha with peas and peanuts, or vegetable-packed upma (semolina porridge) offer mcrucial nutrients. A wholesome breakfast can boost focus, enhance cognitive abilities, and stabilise blood sugar levels, leading to improved mood and sustained energy throughout the day.

3. Eat frequent meals-

Eating frequent meals throughout the day helps maintain energy levels and prevents overeating at any one meal. Promoting the idea of having frequent, balanced snacks such as fruit chaat, roasted chana, or roasted makhana is recommended. Preparing these snacks in advance makes it easy to grab something nutritious during busy work hours.

4. Healthy snacking-

Having frequent meals during the day helps maintain consistent energy levels and prevents excessive eating at any one meal. Encourage the practice of enjoying healthy snacks like fruit chaat, roasted chana, or roasted makhana. Preparing these snacks ahead of time makes it easy to grab something nutritious during busy hours.

5. Mindful eating-

Mindful eating involves being present and fully engaged during meals and snacks. Employees should be encouraged to enjoy their meals by practicing mindfulness i.e., eating slowly and appreciating the aromas and tastes of their food. Creating a calm eating environment by turning off screens and chatting during lunch can help everyone enjoy their meals more and avoid overeating.

6. Stay hydrated-

Staying hydrated is vital for maintaining energy levels, cognitive function, and overall health. One can try buttermilk (chaas), coconut water, or infused water with mint and lemon for hydration. Herbal teas like ginger tea (adrak chai) or peppermint tea are also refreshing and healthy. The idea of keeping water bottles filled with infused water at their
desks to remind them to hydrate throughout the day should be promoted.

7. Stay active-

Incorporating physical activity into the workday can significantly enhance both physical health and mental well-being. It not only boosts energy levels and productivity but also enhances mood and reduces stress. Employees should take regular breaks for movement, whether it’s a short walk, stretching, or a quick workout. Offering fitness classes, organizing walking meetings, or providing standing desks can make it easier to stay active.

By implementing these simple strategies into your daily routine, you can lead to a healthier and more enjoyable work experience. By focusing on good nutrition, staying hydrated, and staying active, you can improve your energy levels and overall job satisfaction. Let’s prioritize our health, uplift each other, and cultivate a workplace that fosters both productivity and well-being!

Managing PCOS and Weight Gain: The Crucial Role of Diet

By PCOS and PCOD Management, Weightloss diet No Comments

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a prevalent endocrine disorder affecting as many as 15% to
18% of women of reproductive age, ranking it among the most common hormonal conditions. It
affects about one in 10 women. This complex syndrome manifests through a range of symptoms
linked to hormonal imbalances, especially insulin resistance and heightened androgen levels (often
referred to as male hormones).

Typical Symptoms Associated With PCOS:

Irregular menstrual cycle-

Women with PCOS frequently encounter irregular, infrequent, or
extended menstrual cycles. This may manifest as periods occurring more than 35 days apart
or fewer than eight cycles in a year.

Ovarian cyst-

Multiple small cysts can develop in the ovaries when follicles fail to mature and
release eggs. This disruption is often linked to higher levels of androgens, which impairs the
typical functions of ovaries.

Weight gain-

Increased insulin levels can contribute to weight gain by enhancing hunger,
facilitating fat storage, and hindering the body’s ability to break down stored fat.


Higher levels of androgens can cause increased hair growth in areas like the face,
chest, and back, typically associated with male-pattern hair growth.


Increased androgen levels can make the skin oilier than normal, often resulting in acne
flare-ups, especially on the face, chest, and upper back.


Androgenic alopecia, commonly known as male-pattern baldness, can affect
women with PCOS and is directly linked to the elevated androgen levels.

Acanthosis Nigricans-

Darkened patches of skin, especially in areas like the neck, groin, and
under the breasts is known as acanthosis nigricans, can indicate insulin resistance and are often
observed in women with PCOS.

● Few other symptoms include depression, anxiety, sleep disturbances, food cravings, infertility,

Managing PCOS typically focuses on correcting hormonal imbalances through lifestyle changes,
including a balanced diet and regular exercise. Additionally, medications and oral supplements for
women may be used to regulate menstrual cycles, tackle insulin resistance, and lower androgen levels.

Link between PCOS and Weight Gain:

The connection between obesity and PCOS is quite multifaceted. Women with PCOS frequently
experience insulin resistance, which can contribute to weight gain. This additional weight can further
intensify PCOS symptoms, perpetuating a challenging cycle.
Carrying excess weight often leads to increased inflammation and hormonal imbalances, which can
worsen issues such as irregular menstrual cycles and excessive hair growth. On the other hand, the
metabolic difficulties that come with PCOS can make weight management more challenging, resulting
in a higher incidence of obesity among affected women.
To address both weight and PCOS symptoms, adopting lifestyle changes like a balanced diet and
regular exercise can be beneficial. In some cases, medical interventions may be needed to effectively
manage symptoms and improve overall well-being.
Here are some effective weight management strategies for women with PCOS:

Eat a balanced diet-

A well-balanced meal plan that focuses on non-starchy vegetables, fruits,
lean proteins, healthy carbohydrates, and low-fat dairy can be beneficial for individuals with

Choose low GI foods-

Eating low GI foods may help in PCOS as it prevents the spike in
blood glucose levels and reduces insulin resistance. Meat, poultry, eggs, nuts, beans, and
some fruits and vegetables typically have low GI values.

Have small frequent meals-

To maintain a consistent blood glucose levels, small frequent
meals, that is about every 4 hours is recommended.

Include Omega- 3 rich foods-

Omega-3 fatty acids are known to reduce inflammation and act
as powerful antioxidants. They help manage blood pressure and blood glucose levels, which
can support weight loss in individuals who are overweight. Furthermore, these fatty acids help
regulate hormone levels, which may improve fertility. Fatty fish, walnuts, chia seeds, hemp
seeds, and flaxseeds are among the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

Physical activity-

Engaging in regular physical activity is crucial for managing PCOS. It can
alleviate symptoms and lower the risk of long-term health issues like type 2 diabetes and
cardiovascular disease. It has multiple benefits such as:
○ Enhanced energy levels and overall fitness
○ Effective weight loss and maintenance
○ Boosted self-confidence and motivation
○ Better emotional well-being
○ Decreased androgen production and insulin resistance
○ More regular menstrual cycles
○ Improved fertility outcomes
A combination of cardio exercise and muscle strength activity is recommended.


Numerous vitamins and herbal supplements have been researched for their
potential benefits in managing PCOS which include Chromium, Curcumin, Vitamin D,
Inositol, Berberine, CoQ10, etc.

In summary, effectively managing PCOS and related weight gain relies on a personalized,
well-balanced diet. Focusing on whole foods such as non-starchy vegetables, lean proteins, and
healthy fats can help regulate insulin levels, reduce inflammation, and promote hormonal balance. In
addition to a nutritious diet, incorporating regular physical activity can further enhance management
strategies. By focusing on these dietary choices, individuals with PCOS can enhance their overall
health, alleviate symptoms, and cultivate a greater sense of well-being.

Weight Loss Diet Plan for Women Over 40: Balancing Hormones and Boosting Metabolism

By Weight Loss & Gain Management, Weightloss diet No Comments

Aging is a normal process that brings about various changes in women’s life specially metabolic and hormonal changes after 40 years of age.

The hormonal changes include fluctuations of hormones as the body shifts towards menopause. During this period,  there are changes in various hormones including estrogen and progesterone (sex hormones), thyroid and cortisol (stress hormone).

    • Estrogen- The level of estrogen starts dropping after 40 years of age. This can cause various symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats, vaginal dryness, etc. Low level of estrogen also increases the risk of heart diseases as well as osteoporosis.
    • Progesterone- The level of progesterone decreases with age. Symptoms include headache, depression, irregular menstruation,  trouble sleeping, weight gain, etc.
    • Thyroid- Thyroid dysfunction is common in women above 40 years of age. Low levels of thyroid hormones can lead to hypothyroidism whereas higher levels of thyroid hormones are seen in hyperthyroidism.
    • Cortisol- The levels of cortisol increases during this period due to a number of factors including age, stress and low estrogen levels. Symptoms include weight gain, low energy, insomnia, food cravings,  mood change, etc.

Metabolism is a process by which the body changes food into energy which drops by 40 years of age due to various hormonal changes. Due to aging, there is decline in anabolic hormones which result in reduced muscle mass which is the main predictor of Metabolism.

These hormonal and metabolic changes lead to Obesity, Insulin resistance, Impaired glucose tolerance, Dyslipidemia, Osteoporosis, Poor immune function, Atherosclerosis and Chronic inflammation.

Though aging is a natural process, there are various lifestyle strategies that can help women over 40 years to maintain their metabolic and hormonal balance and promote overall health & well being.

    • Diet- A healthy, well balanced and nutritious diet is essential. Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, milk products and lean protein in the diet. Avoid outside, processed and refined foods as it can lead to hormonal imbalance. Few nutrients that play an important role are:

      • Calcium: Low level of estrogen reduces the bone density and increases the urinary excretion of calcium. Therefore, include calcium rich foods in the diet such as milk and milk products, millets,  dark green leafy vegetables,  nuts and oil seeds , etc.
      • Vitamin D: Vitamin D regulates the production of estrogen and progesterone. It is also important for bone health. Sunlight exposure is one of the best source of Vitamin D. Foods like fatty fish, egg yolk,  mushroom,  and fortified cereals also contain a good amount of Vitamin D.
      • Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. It reduces stress, supports the immune system and plays an important role in collagen production. It also helps in easing hot flashes. Include plenty of fruits and vegetables such as amla,  guava, berries, bell pepper, broccoli, spinach, etc.  in the diet.
      • B Vitamins: B vitamins especially Vitamin B9 and B12 plays an important role as it reduces the risk of neurodegenerative diseases and helps in hormonal balance. Other B vitamins such as vitamin B6, niacin, thiamine and riboflavin supports metabolism, improves energy level and helps in insomnia. Milk, poultry,  fish,  whole grains, legumes and seeds are some of the sources of B vitamins.
      • Omega- 3 Fatty Acids: It is an essential fatty acid that helps in smooth transition towards menopause due to its numerous health benefits. It reduces the inflammation, vaginal dryness,  hot flashes and plays an important role in weight management. It also improves mood and cognitive function. It also has cardioprotective properties. Foods that provide a good amount of Omega 3 include mackerel, salmon, sardines, flax seeds,  walnuts, hemp seeds, chia seeds, brussel sprouts, soybean, edamame, etc.
    • Sleep- Insomnia is a common problem that is associated with aging. It can be due to hot flashes, anxiety, medical issues, etc. Follow a regular sleep schedule, avoid daytime naps, indulge in regular physical activity,  avoid caffeine 4 to 6 hours before bed, manage stress, etc.

    • Physical activity- Exercise plays an important role in overall well- being. It helps in maintaining weight, improves heart health, promotes good sleep, reduces anxiety, improves mood and supports bone health. Aerobic exercises such as swimming, running, dancing improve cardiovascular health; whereas strength training such as squats, planks,  push ups, etc. improves bone and mental health.

Conclusion : As women age, particularly after 40, they experience important hormonal and metabolic changes that can impact their health. Understanding these changes like declines in estrogen and progesterone, can help women manage symptoms effectively. Emphasizing a balanced diet, regular exercise, and quality sleep can help alleviate many symptoms associated with menopause. By adopting these strategies, women can confidently navigate this stage and turn the challenges of aging into opportunities for growth and vitality.

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